10% Off

Susie Pierce 1889
Susie Pierce 1889 is the title of this cross stitch pattern from GiGi R.
16.00 14.40
10% Off!
The Swans Year In The Woods 2
The Swans Year In The Woods 2 from Cottage Garden Samplings and the second pattern in the series....
9.00 8.10
10% Off!
Sweet Adeline 1873
"Sweet Adline 1873" is the title of this cross stitch pattern from de Gigi R Designs that is...
16.00 14.40
10% Off!
Sweet Shop
"Sweet Shop" is the fourth cross stitch pattern in Little House Needleworks Hometown Holiday line...
7.00 6.30
10% Off!
Sweeter Than Honey Pinkeep
Sweeter Than Honey Pinkeep is the title of this cross stitch pattern from Scattered Seed Samplers.
12.00 10.80
10% Off!
Symphony Of Friendship Sampler
Symphony Of Friendship Sampler is the title of this cross stitch pattern from Cottage Garden...
18.00 16.20
10% Off!
Tending The Flock
Tending The Flock is the title of this cross stitch pattern from The Scarlett House that is...
14.00 12.60
10% Off!
Tenth Day Of Christmas Sampler and Tree
Tenth Day Of Christmas Sampler and Tree is the title of this cross stitch pattern from Liz Matthews.
14.00 12.60
10% Off!
Teresa Real 1898
Teresa Real 1898 is the title of this cross stitch pattern from Quaint Rose Needlearts and choose...
13.00 11.70
10% Off!
Thankful For Ewe
Thankful For Ewe is the title of this cross stitch pattern from Proper Stitcher that can be...
10.00 9.00
10% Off!
Thankful Frill
Thankful Frill is the title of this cross stitch pattern from Heart In Hand Needleart.
6.00 5.40
10% Off!
Thankful Tiny Town
Thankful Tiny Town is the title of this cross stitch pattern from Heart In Hand Needleart.
13.00 11.70
10% Off!
The Beauty Of Autumn
Once an exclusive but now available to all is The Beauty of Autumn from Kathy Barrick that can be...
14.00 12.60
10% Off!
The Betrothed 1889
The Betrothed W&E 1889 is the title of this reproduction sampler from GiGi R that is probably...
20.00 18.00
10% Off!
Big Cat Sampler
The title of this cross stitch pattern is "The Big Cat Sampler Mary Ann Johncock 1841" from...
19.00 17.10
10% Off!
The Blessings Sampler
The Blessings Sampler is the title of this cross stitch pattern from Samplers and Primitives.
21.00 18.90
10% Off!


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