How much fabric do I need to complete a cross stitch pattern?

To determine how much fabric is needed for a stitcher to purchase, a few basic questions need to be answered:
  1. Graph size (stitch counts are provided on the chart by height (h) and width (w), if you view our product page, you will see, when we have the info to the right of the product image in the "Count Width" and "Count Height" fields,
  2. Fabric count (typically 14, 28, 32, 36, 40),  
  3. Stitching over one (typically Aida or the lower count fabrics) or over two (typically linen or the higher count fabrics)
  4. How much allowance on fabric sides to either finish or frame (usually at least 2" but 3" even better)
Now you are ready to use this calculator from Yarntree, a distributor, as a guide.