Iced Cappuccino Linen 36 Ct from R&R Reproductions that is sold in one quarter yard cuts;...
one quarter yard cuts
Sassenach Linen 32 Ct from Stephanie's Hand Dyed Linen. Please note there is some shrinkage in hand... 32.00
Vintage Homespun Linen 36 Ct from R&R Reproductions, sold in one quarter yard cuts; please note... 30.00
Colonial Parchment Linen 32 Ct from Stephanie's Hand Dyed Linen sold in one quarter yard cuts;... 32.00
Patriot's Brew 36 Ct from R&R Reproductions and is a hand dyed linen. The color is similar to... 30.00
Weeks Dye Works Dolphin Linen 32 Ct, sold in one quarter yard cuts and serged; please note there is... 26.00
Zweigart Raw Linen with silver flecks throughout, 32 Ct, sold in 13" x 18" only at this time; not... 10.00