Needlework Market Place and Primrose Cottage Stitches

Greetings from North Georgia! Lots of new releases heading our way as part of the Needlework Market Place event plus a nice surprise from Primrose Cottage Stitches as well as Little House Needleworks and Classic Colorworks with a new fall chartpack!

Needlework Market Place 2024

This newsletter is to update you on the Needlework Market Place 2024 (an online wholesale market) that will be held August 23rd -26th. I have a Needlework Market Place Section totally focusing on this event so you can review what I am expecting to order but if you see anything on social media that you would like me to add, please send me an email to

This event is the same for all shops in that we do not attend in person as it is an online event. Shops place their orders and then the designers ship to us so there is a longer wait for us to send you the goodies. I expect to have most by late August/early September. I am still adding more new releases as I hear from designers so check back often!

Too many to mention to look forward to I chose from each season (Christmas, Halloween, July 4th) and a general design or two but there is much more! Betsy Ross Quaker from Twin Peak Primitives offers a unique tribute to the Fourth of July. Always a favorite is Pansy Patch Quilts and Samplers who offers quite a few new designs for this Market but Santa's Cloak is a standout and will be such a fun stitch. And for Thanksgiving, how about a Turkey? Heartstring Samplery offers a great design that you finish as a stocking ornament titled Turkey Talk

Primrose Cottage Stitches

While this designer is not participating in the wholesale market, they just announced four new releases that will begin shipping to all shops next week. The four new designs are Halloween Quaker, Halloween Quilt, Salem Sisters Stitchery and Halloween Alphabet. Each one is a winner for fun Halloween stitching as well as new design in their popular Quaker series.

Free Shipping and Gift Certificate Drawing

We are offering free shipping for single orders over $50.00 and it won't take long to reach that amount with all the great new items!

In addition, for any single orders over $125.00, I will put in a drawing for my customers a chance to win a $50.00 Gift Certificate (drawing is for two winners) for in stock inventory. This is limited to one per customer and just adds alittle fun to the shopping event. The offer for the Gift Certificates ends August 26th midnight Eastern Daylight Time.

Little House Needleworks

This designer offers fifteen full skeins of Classic Colorworks and one free design titled "Fall Feathers" with the release of their Fall Chartpack. She also notes that she will have two new releases the end of September where several of the fiber colors will be used. A great way to add fall colors to your fiber stash.

So, more news this time around and I appreciate you reading through it and ordering from Stitch and Frog! We appreciate you as well as each and order you send our way, Marty



Little House Needleworks Chartpack
Heartstring Samplery Turkey Talk Stocking
Pansy Patch Quilts and Sampler SantaCloak
PWS Haunted
Betsy Ross Quaker
Halloween Quaker