Dirty Annie, Crocette a Gogo and More!

Greetings from frigid North Georgia! If you are one that follows the weather, you have read about the wintery weather here in South that left the Gulf Coast area (Florida included) with 8-10 inches of snow! It has been at least 50 years for me to see such an event. We don't have much experience with the white stuff and it always thaws a tad, then freezes for an icy road mess! We are thawing finally and we hope that it is the end of snow and ice for awhile!

Dirty Annie

Some really fun cross stitch releases are in stock now and I had to focus on Dirty Annie's new designs. She has a background in Louisiana so obviously Mardi Gras and Crawfish are right up her alley! Here are four to view and since they are all small, any or all would make a fun break from a larger project. Big Dill just gave me a chuckle and she includes beads with the pattern. Never stitched a pickle? Well, here is your chance. She then offers Mr and Mrs Mardi Gras that is right around the corner along with the colorful Crawfish Queen (off with their heads!) so add some of the festivities to your home as well. And finally, Ruby Slippers was actually designed by her daughter when she was only ten years old! For any Dorothy fans, it promises to be a fun stitch. And I love the wording 'you had the power all along' and perhaps you have someone that this would make a perfect gift when achieving a milestone or overcoming an obstacle in their lives.

Crocette a Gogo

This designer is new to us and already hugely popular with our customers. She just released two that will be just as popular. The Little Fox with his winter scarf is adorable and just in time for Winter stitching is A Winter's Day that features a snowman and plenty of birds!

Annie Beez just released Sweetheart Pears and already popular and is another addition to her Pears series. 

Nashville Needlework Market 2025

This event is being held in early March again and we, like every other shop in the cross stitch universe will be participating. I am already seeing shops taking pre-orders - really! In my experience, it is not until the last ten days or so before when most designers show their new designs and some even wait until Market. I will list a separate page for pre-orders toward the end of February for easy review and hope you will shop with us. We offer free shipping for any single order over $50.00 and that does not take long with so many new releases. While I am happy to combine orders for shipping, the free shipping offer is for a single order over $50.00 so another great reason to wait and place as large an order versus many small orders. And, we will offer some other incentives to make the Frog more attractive for your shopping. Truly no need to order early unless a show exclusive or limited design that one must have.

The $5.00 Bargain Bin is still popular so check it out as I update it often. And check out the other new releases that include many ideas for Valentine's Day.

Thank you for being our customer, Marty



Big Dill
Crawfish Queen
Mr and Mrs Mardi Gras
Ruby Slippers
The Little Fox
Winter's Day
Sweetheart Pears