Blackbird Designs, Little House Needleworks and More Market Buzz


The wonderful new releases for the Nashville Market that is being held the first weekend in March continue to flow and I am sure there will be more surprises to announce. I plan to release another newsletter during the Market Event weekend so stay tuned.

Blackbird Designs

Blackbird Designs will not be at Market but her distributor will be with two designs that were teaching designs and now available to all. The first is Thy Love So Strong with the second one titled Moments of Glad Grace. Moments of Grace has four designs and Thy Love So Strong has three designs. Both are must haves for your Blackbird Designs Collection.

Little House Needleworks

This designer never fails us! She has announced a new chartpack (Spring Sampler), three new Classic Colorworks fibers with a free chart and now launched a new series titled Log Cabin Christmas. The first design feature Squirrels that will be released at Market and then toward the end of March, she will release the second design featuring bunnies. Then once a month until the series is complete (nine designs in all). Just to top things off, she is releasing a 19 skein packet of Classic Colorworks fibers to stitch the series. We are waiting to learn more regarding fabric used, the total stitch count if you plan to stitch all together and if she offers a border. They can be stitched and finished alone as well.

The Prairie Schooler

There is a new Schooler Santa 2024 being released at Market but no photo available until March 1st as the distributor wants it to be a surprise but for you who collect this wonderful series, you do not need the photo as we know it will be wonderful. I will post it just as soon as I get my hands on it!

The Scarlett House

While this designer will not be attending Market, she offers us four new designs and they are already proving popular! The first is titled Freedom that you finished as a small pillow or pincushion; the second one is Stitcher's Alphabet and I love all the motifs she has used especially that tomato; thirdly is Elizabeth's Four Dogs and if you follow this designer you know that she now has four pups in her home now and finally, there is Tending the Flock. She wrote that she had not done a design featuring sheep lately and it was time. I agree as this one is probably my favorite of her new releases.

Needle WorkPress

This designer is releasing eight new designs so click on link to see all but you have to check out MH 1860 that is just plain awesome with that little green bunny! She forgot to add this design in her first newsletter to shops so you now can understand how hectic this time is for the designers.

Thanks always and remember to be patience with all shops and designers as we work this event as there will be sellouts so designers have to get back home to print more plus the sheer volume of orders slow down the shipping process. So, stitch away from your stash and then look forward to your wonderful new stash that willl be heading your way, Marty



Thy Love So Strong
Moments of Glad Grace
Tending The Flock
MH 1860