Artsy Housewife and More New Releases

Greetings from North Georgia and I hope that all of you have been safe during the recent spring storms! The devastation of the storms over this weekend has been hard to see as well as comprehend of the power of Mother Nature.

I wanted to send this newsletter noting some of the new releases but there are more to see by clicking on the hightlighted link.

The Artsy Housewife

This designer offers us such unique designs that are full of color and variety. There are four new releases this week but just featuring two in the newsletter. One is 'Beach Rat' that may get you in the spirit of summer stitching as well as 'Dreamer' that features a Flamingo that should be a fun and colorful stitching project. Click on this link to check out all of her designs that I have available at this time.

Samplers and Primitives

Stitching roses in any design is a treat but to combine with a patriotic theme is wonderful. This designer does just that with 'Land Of The Free' and is already proving a popular choice.


And I know some of you have been waiting for this designer to release one of her mermaids and she does just that with 'Sea Merchant's Wife'. The design and colors in this mermaid release is one of her best in my opinion.

Still available and still very popular is our Plum Street Samplers' exclusive to Stitch and Frog titled 'A Fine Spot' and we also still have the custom finishing packs when finishing as a pin cushion.

Thanks again for choosing Stitch and Frog as your shop to purchase your stitching stash - we appreciate each and every order, Marty


Beach Rat
Sea Merchant's Wife
A Fine Spot
Land Of The Free