Gathering Berries is the title of this cross stitch pattern...
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Holly Jolly Button Pack
New cross stitch products
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Heartfelt Valentine is the title of this cross stitch pattern fro October House Fiber Arts and... 8.00 7.20
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Featured Items
jack O Lantern Jubilee (six designs in all) is the title of this cross stitch pattern from With Thy 20.00 | Maria Joseph and The Donkey is the title of the cross stitch pattern from GiGi R. Also known as 'Mar 24.00 21.60 10% Off! | A Little Winter is the title of this cross stitch pattern from Sweet Wing Studio. 7.00 4.90 30% Off! | Little Valentino is the title of this cross stitch pattern from Notforgotten Farm. 10.00 9.00 10% Off! |
A Little Summer is the title of this cross stitch pattern from Sweet Wing Studio that can be stitche 7.00 4.90 30% Off! | Little Fox is the title of this cross stitch pattern that is stitched with DMC threads. 9.50 8.55 10% Off! |